- Become a Committee member! We are voted in at our AGM in September. If that sounds too official or you’ve missed the boat for this school year then you are always welcome to our meetings. They are usually once a term, outside of school hours, and we come up with and start to plan our fundraising ideas for the coming months.
- Do you have some bright ideas for raising funds? Send us an e-mail or chat to any of us in the playground.
- Are you a manager? We always need help organising our events. Let us know if you would be prepared to help run one for us.
- Enjoy being part of a team? Volunteer to be an ‘PFA Angel’ and help at one of our events. Some of our parents share helping at an event with a friend. One does the work while the other one looks after the kids, then they swap half-way through.
- Not much time to spare? Just spending half an hour setting up or clearing away after an event is a great help to us.
- Unwanted gifts? We’re always on the look-out for raffle prizes for our events so if your items are new and of good quality please consider donating them to us
- Do you work for a large company who operates a matched giving scheme? Let us know and we will liaise with you to help us boost our fundraising.
Finally, the best thing you can do is to turn up when you can to support our events.