St Mary’s Catholic Primary School & British Values

In June 2014 the government emphasised the important role schools can play in the teaching of British values. It has since integrated this into the school inspection process to evaluate how well a school is promoting these values.
At St Mary’s we strongly believe that our ‘Christian Ethos’ is very much aligned to the values being promoted by the government as British.
These values are:
Justice/Rule of Law
Individual Liberty
Mutual Respect
These values with guidance outlined by the Department for Education on the 27th November 2014 are not new and build upon the work of the ‘Prevent Strategy 2011’. At St Mary’s we also acknowledge that these British values are not uniquely British. They are not in conflict with our community focus of being accepting of other cultures and welcoming to those of different faiths.
School Examples
There are numerous examples throughout our curriculum where we would share and display these moral values:
- Links are made with our RHE curriculum, with a specific focus like ‘Anti-Bullying week'.
- Our children are taught RE for 2 hours per week, our new curriculum has a strong focus on children relating examples of Christ’s teaching to their life. Children freely express their feelings and views and any extreme views are challenged. In Year 6 for example Justice is taught as a specific topic.
- In our foundation subjects and through our reading spine, Britain’s place historically and geographically is taught.
- Democracy is very much in action with our elected class councillors sitting on a school council. Before meetings they canvass the views of their peers and have real influence on school decision making and fund raising. Classes even run fundraising stalls at the school fetes.
- There are pupil surveys which are carried out through the school council. They also have suggestion boxes which they monitor. Our school Governors have seen this in action.
- At the start of every year the children write their mission statements and are at liberty to sign up to their class values.
- Mutual respect and tolerance is developed throughout our whole curriculum, as well as during prayer and liturgy. Our Reading Spine was developed to represent the diverse population of our country.