St Mary's Catholic Primary School
This is our school, let peace dwell here
MFL – Curriculum Intent
At St Mary’s Catholic Primary School we aim to provide you with an MFL curriculum which engenders fun and enthusiasm, builds cultural capital, and develops a strong foundation of language learning skills. In our language learning, we sing songs, play games, watch shows and create projects. Modern languages are taught in all year groups, not solely in Key Stage 2. We are committed to making modern language learning accessible and attainable for all pupils.
Our MFL curriculum is aimed at keeping interest levels high amongst both staff and pupils. Lessons are designed to be fun, active and interactive. French and Spanish are the languages taught, but additionally, you will have the opportunity to access a number of other languages and cultures through extra-curricular clubs, celebration days and enrichment days led by native-speaker visitors to our school. We will empower you to develop an understanding of other cultures than your own, and to celebrate differences.
The teaching of two languages is designed to progressively develop skills in language acquisition. Following a clearly planned scheme of work, and using a variety of techniques, everyone is encouraged to engage actively, developing listening, exploring and speaking skills, understanding and communication and develop fluency in modern foreign language learning, in preparation for Key Stage 3 and as a grounding for future careers. Our aim is that through our progressive MFL curriculum you will all be equipped with the skills needed to become confident global citizens and lifelong language learners.
Please find below some links to websites which you may find useful:
Links to language learning websites |
Vocabulary games
French/Spanish/Italian games & stories. |
Games and language learning opportunities. |