St Mary's Catholic Primary School
This is our school, let peace dwell here
On 21st July, we will be having End of Term Mass on our school playground.
On 18th July, Year 6 will have their Leavers' Mass in the church. Parents are invited to join them in celebrating and thanking God for their time at St Mary's.
On 29th June, we will be holding a whole school Mass on our playground for St Peter & St Paul. Parishioners are invited to come along and join us.
On Saturday 10th June and 24th June, some of our children took their First Holy Communion. They were all very lucky to be blessed with sunshine for their special day.
On 26th May, we had our annual Crowning of Mary Service in school. All our children brought flowers into school to present to Our Lady and our Year 6 pupils led the service.
Canon Philip came to St Mary's to lead Ascension Mass. This was our first whole school playground Mass of the year and we were lucky enough to have sunshine.