
St Mary's Catholic Primary School

This is our school, let peace dwell here

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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

This is our school, let peace dwell here


Advice and Support Links for Families

Support for Parent and Carers






Part of a nationwide programme of services for 0-5 year olds and their families. Their aim is to offer information, advice and support to parents, as well as integrated childcare and early learning, health services, family support and parental outreach.



Kent Family Hub - Kent County Council




SINGLE PARENTS - Gingerbread – Single Parents, Equal families

  • Provide expert advice, practical support and campaign for single parents.

  • Helpline – 0808 802 0925



DIVORCE AND SEPARATION - Parent connection

  • Advice during and after parent separation and divorce.



CAFCASS - Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service

  • CAFCASS represents children in family court cases. They make sure that children’s voices are heard and decisions are taken in their best interests.






Social Services

Worried about a child?


If the child is in immediate danger, call the emergency services using 999.


If you are worried about the safety of a child or young person please contact the Central Duty Team on 03000 41 11 11 or to make a referral. If you need to make contact out of working hours please call the Out of Hours Service on 03000 41 91 91.


Early Help and Preventative Services – KSFS









  • NSPCC Helpline – 0808 800 5000

    • If you are worried about a child, even if you are unsure, contact the professional counsellors 24/7 for help, advice and support.

  • NSPCC helpline – Under 18s – 0800 1111

    • Childline offers free, confidential advice and support whatever your worry, whenever you need help.

  • The Underwear Rule -



DISABILITIES - SNAAP - Special Needs Advisory & Activities Project

  • SNAAP is unique. They provide an extensive range of services to children with every kind of disability, aged from 0-19 years, in partnership with parents. The focus of the services is upon all of the child’s needs including educational, social, developmental and emotional. They focus upon the whole family and not just the child with disabilities.


  • Email:

  • 01227 367555


Information Advice & Support Kent (IASK)

  • We support families of children and young people (0 – 25 years) with special educational needs or disabilities. We hope to empower parents to make informed choices about their children's education and communicate confidently.

  • IASK Helpline: 03000 41 3000. Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm.

  • Email:

  • Office telephone: 03000 412 412

  • IASK -



  • The National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service. 

  • We provide people-friendly information and resources about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder to anyone who needs assistance - parents, sufferers, teachers or health professionals.



AUTISM - Kent Autistic Trust

  • A registered charity who provide expertise and experience in supporting people with autism. They provide living, vocational, educational, therapeutic, social, occupational and behavioural support. They promote and represent the needs of people with autism. They provide support for families.


  • 01634 405 168




Supporting families caring for a young autistic person






National Autistic Society

  • Impartial, confidential advice and support on autism for anyone affected by, or researching autism.


  • Helpline: 0808 800 410


ANXIETY, DEPRESSION & MENTAL HEALTH - Insight Healthcare – talking therapies

  • Help people with anxiety, depression and other similar difficulties (low mood, stress panic, anger, phobias, trauma, bereavement, loss relationship difficulties, family problems).

  • This service Is free, funded by the NHS.

  • For people aged 18 years or over

    • 0300 555 5555



Young Minds

Young Minds is the UK’s leading charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people.






CARERS - Young Carers








  • Support for all young carers aged 5 – 18 years,  with information, advice, signposting, social activities and individual support.

  • 0300 111 111 0



BEREAVEMENT - Winston’s Wish

  • Practical support and guidance to bereaved children, their families and professionals.

  • Helpline: 08452 03 04 05




TOILETING - Eric – The Children’s Continence Charity

  • A National Charity who support children and their families with continence problems. Helpline, leaflets and information designed especially for children.

  • Helpline : 0845 370 8088




SUPPORT FOR PARENTS - KAE - Kent Adult Education

Family courses help dads, mums and carers to gain confidence, find out how to support their children’s learning and to improve their own skills – and to have a great time with their children while they’re doing it

  • 03000 41 2222



  • Porchlight is a charity which helps vulnerable and isolated people get support with their mental health, housing, education and employment. They provide young people and adults with the advice, guidance and skills to live independently in the future, to play an active role in their local community and to fulfil their potential.

  • 24 hour helpline – 0800 567 76 99




The Pod - Advice and Support from Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Care Coordination teams




School Health - Advice from a team of school nurses who work with children, young people and families.





ADHDUK - Created for people with ADHD by people with ADHD. 




ADHD Foundation - The ADHD Foundation is the largest provider of training in ADHD and neurodevelopmental conditions for professionals in the UK.






Early Help (support for families)
Hearing Impairment
​Child & Young Person's Mental Health Service
 Mental Health and Resilience - Bouncing back after a difficult time
​Parent Courses    Understanding you, Understanding your child - See attached poster
​Visual Impairment
​Riding For The Disabled
​Kent Children's Therapies Advice Website e.g. Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy,
​Kent Young Carers
Specialist Schools and Provisions

