
St Mary's Catholic Primary School

This is our school, let peace dwell here

Thinking of Joining Us?

St Mary's Catholic Primary School

This is our school, let peace dwell here


Raise Funds by Shopping Online

Online Shopping Fundraising


Shopping online is an easy way for us to boost our fundraising total. Please click on the logos to go to the websites.


Amazon Smile

Simply search for our charity number 1149617 and sign your Amazon account up to Smile. We will then get a small percentage of the total value of your qualifying order.




Easy Fundraising


If you are shopping on-line with M&S, Asda, Boden, John Lewis, Sainsbury's and many more you can get cashback for the school by using our on-line shopping link.


Log on to find out more and register.






Label your uniform with Stikins.  They are also great for lunch boxes, rucksacks, shoes in fact anything you want to name.  They survive in the dishwasher and washing machine! Our fundraising number is 20994.






Octopus Energy


If you are looking to change energy providers then we have a referral link. Each link will give us and you £50.






Save your old textiles and shoes for us


Twice a year we have a textile collection.  All items are recycled according to their condition.  Check our notice board for the next collection date. 

