St Mary's Catholic Primary School
This is our school, let peace dwell here
St Mary’s Art and Design Intent
During your time with us at St Mary’s, we will take you on a journey of exploration through the magnificent worlds of art, craft and design. As we inspire and challenge you, we will endeavour to equip you with a wealth of knowledge and skills that will empower you to experiment, invent and create your own innovative works. You will blossom as an artist at your own individual pace and along the way you will foster the ability to think critically, continually enriching your understanding of art and design. You will discover your forte, harness your strengths and fortify elements of the curriculum that prove particularly challenging or stimulating for you.
In the EYFS especially, we will provide visual, tactile and sensory experiences and consider special ways of understanding and responding to stimuli. We will empower you to communicate what you see, feel and think by utilising colour, texture, form, pattern and different materials and processes. As the adventure continues throughout Key Stages 1 and 2, you will cultivate your mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, painting, sculpture as well as other art, craft and design techniques. You will take inspiration from great artists, talk about art and evaluate your own work and that of others. As each term passes, our aim will be to support and challenge you to build upon your previous learning, to enhance your repertoire of knowledge and to refine your practical and expressive skills. You will be furnished with magical opportunities to record creatively the world around you. You will begin to think and act as a creative practitioner by utilising your knowledge and understanding to inform, inspire and interpret ideas, observations and feelings. You will become a marvellous communicator, able to share your ideas fluently in visual and tactile form.
You will emerge from this journey at primary school, confident and adventurous from your immersion in a scintillating range of art and design experiences. Engaging with the arts will serve as a platform to enhance your wellbeing and to elevate your self-esteem throughout your entire lifetime. It is our hope that we can fall in love with the arts together.
Three of our children went along to a workshop at one of our local Secondary Schools to create artwork inspired by Henri Matisse.