
St Mary's Catholic Primary School

This is our school, let peace dwell here

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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

This is our school, let peace dwell here


School Dinners or Packed Lunch?

Universal Free School Meals


In Reception Class and Years 1 and 2 all children are entitled to a free school meal (UFSM). This is a Government initiative that has been running for approximately nine years. Kent use a provider called Chartwells. Their menus are freely available online and we have details in the School Office. It varies from term to term. 

You do not have to take up this option and can provide your child with a packed lunch should you choose to do so. However, the school will have to pick up the cost of the uneaten meal so it is important that you let us know if you will not be having hot school meals so we keep waste and costs to a minimum.

Some children (Key Stages 1 and 2)  are also entitled to Free School Meals due to parents earning below certain thresholds and being in receipt of certain benefits. If you think this might apply to you please speak to the Headteacher or the school office (in confidence). This can benefit the school financially. 

If your child has any allergies regarding foods please let the School Office know.  Chartwells will need medical evidence to support your child’s dietary requirements.


Free milk is available for all children aged under five in school, funded by the UK government.

In our school, this milk is provided by Cool Milk, the UK’s leading school milk supplier.

 We will register your child for their free school milk on your behalf by providing Cool Milk with your child’s name and date of birth.


Shortly before your child turns five, you will be offered the opportunity to pay a subsidised rate for your child to continue to receive milk.

If wish your child to receive School Milk after your child turns five then please contact Coolmilk
