
St Mary's Catholic Primary School

This is our school, let peace dwell here

Thinking of Joining Us?

St Mary's Catholic Primary School

This is our school, let peace dwell here


Physical Education

PE Curriculum Intent


At St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, you will take part in high quality PE lessons. We believe that every child has the right to find a sport that suits them and will help you to find the sport that suits you. You will have two PE sessions each week and have regular swimming sessions in Years 3 and 4. We will encourage you to lead a healthy life-style and see sport at the centre of this.


We will offer you a wide range of exciting sports that go beyond the National Curriculum as well as a wide range of extra-curricular clubs such as Bollywood Dancing, Hop Hop, Irish Dancing, Yoga, Bowls, Pilates, Football, Hockey, Basketball, Dodgeball, Tri-Golf, Athletics, Tennis and Cricket. We have strong links with local sports teams so you can follow your interests whatever they are. Our sports coaches and teaching staff are highly skilled and will encourage you to aim high and achieve together. We will build on your physical development and provide you with opportunities to be active and interactive, develop co-ordination, control and movement. Our sessions are inclusive and are always taught with fun and learning at the heart and we hope to sow the seeds of life-long participation in sports.


We believe that sports can offer more than just physical benefits and the skills that you learn during your PE lessons can be used across school life and into adulthood. PE offers fantastic opportunities for you to engage in the school values of Joy, Courage, Honesty, Excellence and Community which are at the centre of our school’s teaching. We hope that you will represent the school with pride and show resilience and good sportsmanship too. We look forward to starting your sporting journey with you.


PE Topics 2023/24
