
St Mary's Catholic Primary School

This is our school, let peace dwell here

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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

This is our school, let peace dwell here


Our School Therapy Dog Luna

Meet Luna, our school therapy dog. She is always around for the children to come and see.  Luna also visits the classes to see what everyone is up to!



Luna's Kindness Award


This week, Luna took the winners of our Term 5 kindness award for an ice cream at the beach. These children have embodied Christ's message to 'Be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving of one another, as God in Christ forgave you.'


Well done to Adaline Marshal, Felix Wilkinson, Niamh Martyn, James Allison, Felicity Frost, Charlotte Sherlock, Grace Timewell, Thomas Manuel, Keshini Bulloram, Oliver Haveron and Amelia Carre who have followed in Christ’s example by encouraging kindness through their own actions.


Year 6 Camp


Last week, Year 6 went on their residential trip to Thriftwood Scout Camp in Essex. Luna was very excited to be able to enjoy them and get involved in all the activities. She particularly enjoyed going kayaking and rafting but her favourite thing was definitely sleeping by the camp fire. 


Like a lot of our Year 6s she needed a good bath when she got home!

Christmas Outfits for Luna

LunaBelle's Birthday Lunch - Lots of children made Luna brilliant birthday cards for her birthday before half term so she picked her favourite ones and invited those children to have lunch with her. Luna even sat up at Mrs Blunt's table with the children while they chatted.

Happy Birthday Luna!

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