
St Mary's Catholic Primary School

This is our school, let peace dwell here

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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

This is our school, let peace dwell here


Green Initiative Competition

Before Easter St Mary's entered the KCSP Green Initiative Competition. Multiple year groups spent time thinking about how the school could become greener and how we could renovate new outdoor areas. As a school, we compiled these ideas and submitted our proposal to the trust. We found out, that out of the 23 schools that entered, we were shortlisted in the top six schools. 

The next stage of the process was that three children were interviewed by Anne-Marie Whittle (Trust CEO), Michael Powis (Chair of the Trust Board) and Emma Johnstone (Finance and HR Assistant). The three children did amazingly well and explained each step of our proposal.

Shortly afterwards, we discovered that, because of the hard work of our children and the brilliant ideas that they came up with, the school is receiving £3000 to put the plans into action.

The children and staff are excited to see the school become greener and to be able to learn outside even more
