
St Mary's Catholic Primary School

This is our school, let peace dwell here

Thinking of Joining Us?

St Mary's Catholic Primary School

This is our school, let peace dwell here


School Uniform Policy

School Uniform Policy

The school is committed to promoting the uniform. It helps children to identify with the school as a community and helps to enforce standards of dress, behaviour and discipline. The advantages of having a uniform far outweigh the disadvantages. Articles may be purchased from Barnum’s Schoolwear shop in Herne Bay, The Coastal Uniform Company or The Schoolwear Centre in Margate.  Second-hand items are available through the PFA.


Winter Uniform:




Mid-grey tailored trousers

Mid-grey knee-length tailored shorts

Brown crew-necked sweatshirt or brown fleece with embroidered badge

White polo shirt with or without school logo

Brown tunic/skirt

Brown culottes (Barnums only)

Mid-grey tailored trousers

Mid-grey knee-length tailored shorts

Brown V-necked sweatshirt or brown fleece with embroidered badge

White long-sleeved shirt/blouse and school tie

Brown tunic/skirt

Brown culottes (Barnums only)


 Summer Uniform:




Mid-grey tailored trousers

Mid-grey knee-length tailored shorts

Brown crew-necked sweatshirt or brown fleece with embroidered badge

White polo shirt with or without school logo

Brown tunic/skirt

Brown culottes (Barnums only)

yellow/white school cap

Summer dress of gold or yellow candy stripe or check

Mid-grey tailored trousers

Mid-grey knee-length tailored shorts

Brown V-necked sweatshirt or brown fleece with embroidered badge

White polo shirt with or without school logo

Brown tunic/skirt

Brown culottes (Barnums only)

yellow/white school cap

Summer dress of gold or yellow candy stripe or check

Yr 5/6 have the option of a white revere blouse


 Shoes, bags and coats:




Brown or black ‘sensible’ school shoes (not boots, open-toed sandals or trainers)

School book bag with logo

Brown and gold St Mary’s blazer (optional)

Brown St Mary’s fleece (optional)


Brown or black ‘sensible’ school shoes (not boots, open-toed sandals or trainers)

Brown school backpack with logo (optional)

Brown and gold St Mary’s blazer (optional)

Brown St Mary’s fleece (optional)



 PE Kit:


Plain white t-shirt with or with school logo

Plain black sports shorts (not cycling shorts)

Plain white socks

Black plimsolls or trainers

PE bag with or without school logo

Black/brown tracksuit bottoms or leggings



Please ensure that all articles of clothing are securely marked with the child’s name.

Junior and infant PE kits must remain in school all week.  Please make enquiries as soon as your child loses articles of clothing – lost property is only held for a short time at the back of the hall.

The wearing of make-up, coloured nail varnish and jewellery is not permitted in school, except for stud earrings and watches.  These items must be removed or covered with tape for PE.

Hair that is shoulder-length or longer, should be tied up for school. 


Non-Uniform Day Dress Code:

  • Shorts, skirts and dresses should be at least mid-thigh length.
  • Low-cut trousers, shorts or necklines are not permitted.
  • Strapless tops, strappy tops and vest tops are not permitted.
  • Clothing should ensure that midriffs are covered.
  • Flip-flops and high heels are not permitted.
  • Make-up is not permitted.