
St Mary's Catholic Primary School

This is our school, let peace dwell here

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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

This is our school, let peace dwell here


Our Curriculum








Following on from our Trust’s statement please read our philosophy expressed through our School Values of Joy, Community, Honesty, Excellence and Courage.



 Through Jesus’ example, our children know and experience the joy of coming to our school. We celebrate the achievements and contributions of every learner by ensuring that we support them equitably. Through an imaginative and creative delivery of the National Curriculum, we motivate and inspire our children to be active, confident, curious and caring learners.



We are a strong school family who love and care for each other, supporting everyone throughout our life journey. We instil in our children a sense of belonging to our school, our parish and our local area. As we develop in our children a set of transferrable skills for the future, they begin to understand the wider, more diverse world; our planet and their responsibility to become loving, caring and independent citizens.



We are honest and truthful to ourselves and God.  Through the teachings of Jesus Christ alongside the British values of mutual respect, tolerance, liberty, democracy and the rule of law, we aim to nurture our children’s personal development, encouraging them to lead responsible, safe and healthy lives.



Through our exciting and challenging curriculum and by building on children’s prior and home learning, we will make sure every child achieves highly from their own individual starting point, whilst developing a life-long love of and commitment to learning.




Through our Gospel values and a rich and balanced curriculum, we will encourage our children to stand up for what they believe in.  St Mary’s children will learn from all of the successes and mistakes they make to help them strive for a better future.  At all times we will challenge our children to independently take risks to achieve the very best they can.



National curriculum in England: framework for key stages 1 to 4


If you have any questions regarding our curriculum please email


For more information about our learning in each year group throughout the year, take a look at our class pages where you can find out Long-term Plans and Curriculum Newsletters.

British Values and Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural Education
