
St Mary's Catholic Primary School

This is our school, let peace dwell here

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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

This is our school, let peace dwell here



Maths Intent


At St Mary’s, we believe that Maths is a subject that can be and should be enjoyable, intriguing, challenging and inspiring.  Our curriculum is designed to help you to develop competence and fluency, whilst nurturing a sense of curiosity and a love of Maths. We endeavour for all children to:


  • Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics so that you develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
  • Be able to apply your skills to solving increasingly sophisticated problems
  • Reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry and develop and present a justification, argument or proof using mathematical language
  • Have an appreciation of number and number operations, which enables mental calculations and written procedures to be performed efficiently and fluently.


At St Mary’s we feel that it is vital that children appreciate the relevance of Maths in the wider world.  You will therefore be provided with reasoning challenges and problems in context in each lesson to demonstrate clear links to real-life.  We will teach you a range of number facts, including times tables, in order to provide you with the solid foundations needed to become a true master of Maths.  We believe that Maths is a lifelong journey that begins in in early childhood and continues through school and beyond.  Through the use of varied teaching styles and opportunities, we will endeavour to provide you with the level of independence and resilience that you require to move successfully through your education and onto future employment.

Scheme of Work
