
St Mary's Catholic Primary School

This is our school, let peace dwell here

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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

This is our school, let peace dwell here


Pastoral Support

At St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, the care, support and guidance of every pupil is of the utmost importance to us. We believe the pupil’s safety and wellbeing should be at the heart of all that we do as a school community. We approach the welfare of our pupils in a positive way and all our staff reinforce the values and ethos of the school. We want our children to stay happy, feel secure and enjoy being at school.


Within our role we aim to:


  •  Respect each child as an individual and to give each child the confidence and self-esteem to develop his or her talents to the full.


  • Develop the whole child intellectually, morally, socially, spiritually and physically.


  • Develop an effective three-way partnership between children, parents and school.


  • Promote our children’s self-esteem and encourage them to think positively about themselves and to accept their own uniqueness.


  • Provide opportunities for the children to feel valued and important by creating an awareness of the positive contribution they can make towards school and the community.


We endeavour to ensure all our children feel able to talk freely and openly to any member of staff if they have any worries or problems of any kind. Staff always respond to children in an appropriate manner, offering support, reassurance, advice and guidance in conjunction with our policies; including our safeguarding policy.


The Pastoral Team are staff who are dedicated to helping pupils with any problems or issues that may be affecting them and preventing them from learning.  We support children with a wide variety of difficulties, from friendship problems or bereavement to child protection or attendance related issues.  We work with pupils who experience social, emotional and learning challenges in order to assist them to achieve their potential.


Our Pastoral Team includes:



Mrs Clark - Additional Educational Needs Coordinator (AENCO)






Mrs Divine - Pastoral Support Teaching Assistant (PSTA)

Mrs Divine is on the gate every morning and evening should you need to speak to her.
